LAC Board Meeting

On 6 December 2024 a board meeting of the Lithuanian Ambassadors’ Club (LAC) took place. The meeting focused on the results of the club’s activities in 2024. The most significant achievements included: a renewed composition of the LAC board, the organization of 4 lectures and discussions, including one commemorating the Lozoraitis diplomatic year, 5 board meetings, the establishment of relations with the ambassadors of Japan and Canada to Lithuania, LAC statement expressing solidarity with Georgian diplomats, financial support provided to Ukraine, and the awarding of LAC prizes for the best master’s theses in the field of international relations and diplomacy.

The meeting also discussed the directions of LAC activities for 2025.

The LAC welcomed 4 new members: Ambassadors Jonas Grinevičius, Algirdas Saudargas, Kęstutis Vaškelevičius and Darius Vitkauskas. Congratulations to the Ambassadors!

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