16 March 2023, the Lithuanian Ambassadors’ Club organised a lecture-discussion about “Jurgis Šaulys, Diplomat, Signatory of the Act of Independence”. Dr. Jurgis Šaulys was a signatory of the Act of Independence of 16 February 1918, the first diplomat of independent Lithuania – envoy to Germany, Italy, the Holy See, Poland, and Switzerland.
Vytautas Petras Plečkaitis, a signatory of the Act of Independence of Lithuania of 11 March 1990, Ambassador, and author of a book about Jurgis Šaulis, talked about Jurgis Šaulis’ active work in promoting Lithuanian identity and his activities in the Lithuanian Council. According to the author of the book, all diplomatic activities of Jurgis Šaulis took place during a difficult period for Lithuania. He was not only the first diplomatic envoy of independent Lithuania but also an active participant in the national movement, a public figure, a bibliophile, and a Ph.D. graduate of the University of Bern.
During the event, a photo exhibition: “The Signatory of the Act of Independence, the First Envoy of Lithuania Dr. Jurgis Šaulys” was presented by the Chairwoman of the Society, Ms. Gintarė Sargūnaitė. The Jurgis Šaulis Society was established in June 2019 with the main aim of cherishing and celebrating the memory of Dr. Jurgis Šaulis, a signatory of the 1918 Act of Independence and the first official Lithuanian diplomat. The Gymnasium of Jurgis Šaulis was established in Veiviržėnai. Every year, on 16 February, the Jurgis Šaulis incentive prize is awarded to the students of this school.
The live and remote event was very popular with more than 60 participants.