On 12 July 2021 an Award ceremony for the best master thesis took place organised by the Lithuanian Ambassadors’ Club (hereinafter – LAC). This year, five thesis were submitted for the LAC evaluation. After an in-depth discussion, it was decided to award two prizes: to Ms Indrė Jankauskaitė and Ms Violeta Juškėnė.
Master thesis of Ms Indrė Jankauskaitė, Graduate at Vilnius University, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, “Rehabilitation of Convicts for Mass Violations of Human Rights: Myth or Reality? Case study of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” awarded for the 1st place and a prize of EUR 500. The head of the thesis is Dr. Lina Strupinskienė. Ms Violeta Juškėnė, a graduate of the Master’s programme at the Institute of International and European Union Law at Mykolas Romeris University, was awarded for the 2nd place and a prize of EUR 200 for her master thesis “Challenges posed by information technologies to the legal regulation of diplomatic and consular relations”. The head of the thesis is Dr. Gintarė Makauskaitė-Samuolė. LAC also expressed its gratitude to Mr Nerijus Čapas, a graduate of Klaipėda University, for his thesis “National Security and Small States” relevant to today’s Lithuanian context. All winners were awarded with Alfonsas Eidintas book “Smiles and Jokes of Diplomats” with the author’s autograph.
The event, which has become traditional, once again showed a high level of Lithuanian universities in the preparation of international relations analysts, which in the near future could enrich the ranks of the Lithuanian diplomatic service.