On 27 October 2021, a virtual Board meeting of the Lithuanian Ambassadors’ Club (hereinafter – LAC) took place, during which the new secretariat has been presented. Also, at the Board meeting has been discussed:
- the activities of LAC in the context of the pandemic,
- the cooperation with foreign ambassadors residing in Lithuania,
- LAC website,
- LAC new members.
The members of the Board unanimously approved the admission of four new members: Mr Artūras Gailiūnas, Ambassador to Egypt, Mr Giedrius Kazakevičius, Ambassador to Finland, Mr Ramūnas Misiulis, Ambassador to Germany and Mr Darius Skusevičius, Ambassador to Canada. Congratulations to the new LAC members!
Ambassador Algimantas Rimkūnas, Chairman of the LAC Board, also shared information about the ongoing cooperation project between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and universities in order to raise awareness among Lithuanian students about Lithuanian diplomatic service and career opportunities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He invited LAC board members to join the project by sharing their diplomatic experience and best practices to the students.