On 21 June 2021, a virtual meeting of the Board of the Lithuanian Ambassadors’ Club (hereinafter – LAC) took place where the preparation for the general LAC meeting was discussed. During the general LAC meeting, the President of the Club and the Board will be elected.
The Master’s theses for the LAC Prize were also evaluated. The first place was awarded to the student Ms Inga Jankauskaitė, from Vilnius University, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, for the master thesis “Rehabilitation of Convicts for Mass Violations of Human Rights: Myth or Reality? Case study of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia”.
The second place was dedicated to the student Ms Violeta Juškėnė, from Mykolas Riomeris University, for the thesis “Challenges posed by information technology to the legal regulation of diplomatic and consular relations”. Congratulations to the winner!