On 12 December 2023, the Board of the Lithuanian Ambassadors Club (LAC) met to summarise the LAC activities, which took place in 2023 and to discuss the events of 2024. Attention was drawn to the fact that next year Lithuania will mark the 100th anniversary of the prominent Lithuanian diplomat, public figure, and diaspora activist Mr Stasys Lozoraitis. The Board decided to clarify the events planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark this anniversary and afterwards to take a decision on the LAC event for this occasion.
President of the LAC ambassador Algimantas Rimkūnas, reminded that the mandate of the current LAC Board and President expires next year. Therefore, in 2024 the Club members will be invited to nominate new Board candidates. The way of voting will be decided at the subsequent Board meetings.
The Board members unanimously approved the admission of 2 new members of the LAC: Ms Dalia Kreivienė (Ambassador to Italy) and Mr Ričardas Šlepavičius (Ambassador to South Korea). Congratulations to the new LAC members!
Currently, there are 136 members in the LAC.