On 12 April 2022, a discussion “Ukraine’s Freedom Path” was hold. . A large number of the Lithuanian diplomats (more than 122 attended the discussion) joined the event and their active participation demonstrated the relevance of the proposed topic.
The discussion was unique as it brought together former Lithuanian Ambassadors to Ukraine, such as Mr Vytautas Plečkaitis (period of work in Ukraine 1996-2001), Mr Viktoras Baublys (period of work in Ukraine 2001-2005), Mr Algirdas Kumža (period of work in Ukraine 2006-2008), Mr Petras Vaitiekūnas (period of work in Ukraine 2010-2014), Mr Marius Janukonis (period of work in Ukraine 2015-2020) and the current Ambassador Mr Valdemaras Sarapinas (since 2021). The Ambassadors shared their memories, insights and assessments of Ukraine’s path to freedom and reforms. Based on their personal experience, the Ambassadors recalled how Ukraine managed to move towards democracy, what the challenges it faced and what victories it achieved.
Lithuania’s military, material and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine is enormous. A lot of joint work ahead in the field of energy, joint work to capture war crimes; two medical teams from Lithuania have been sent to Ukraine. Unfortunately, the International Red Cross is doing almost nothing to help in Ukraine itself. Visits by foreign politicians to Ukraine are very important.
Answering to the question regarding Lithuania’s image in Ukraine, Ambassador V. Sarapinas was pleased that for the fifth consecutive year, Ukrainians are selecting Lithuanians as the closest nation. Lithuania is respected, loved and has a very positive image. And this is the merit of all Lithuanian people.